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Shae Gibson Women's Cancer Support Fund

The Shae Gibson Women's Cancer Support Fund was set up to assist women from disadvantaged circumstances to meet some of the costs of treating their cancer, so they can focus on recovery and not experience the stress of severe financial constraint. It is administrated by the Chris O'Brien Lifehouse in Sydney, Australia.

To reflect Shae's personality but also appeal to a wider audience, a contemporary, warm and friendly style was created. Steering away from conventional pinks and purples that dominate women's cancer charities and organisation, a softer and neutral colour palette was selected. Hand-drawn digital elements give a personable touch, along with organic shapes. 

Quarterly reports are issued by Chris O'Brien Lifehouse to the Fund's Committee, which are translated into infographics and shared via social media. The infographics are an integral method of communicating back to donors about the impact of their donations, encourage new donations and update the public about upcoming fundraising events.   


Jordan Clarke


2019 - current